Sunday, November 16, 2014

Set My Mind In Motion

I am working on an album. It started out as a meditation on how much I suck and hate myself. The idea turned into a post apocalyptic super hero story. I don't know if I will use any of the songs I've been doing for the album. But, like, if the songs are anything like this I probably don't want to use them.
(Full disclosure, the last couple things I've put up here have also been tossed experiments from that.)

Seriously, what is this?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sad Baby

Every feel blue? But you feel blue for, like, a whole year and you just turn off all the lights and try to lie in your bed but you miss it and end up face down on the floor but you think, why bother getting up, there's no point to anything?

This Bud's for you.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Just A Fuckboy

You know when you make a bunch of songs that are just total garbage? But you keep making them? And you decide you might as well just make a weird album out of them? But then you realize that some of these songs you are making are too garbage to even be on your garbage album?

This is one of those songs. Pure trash.
Oh, here we go.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Silent Isle - A Cylinder

Fucking sweet noise/drone from an internet dating profile from New York somewhere.
Obviously I'm in love already.

Check out their whole soundcloud.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Nothing Matters Now That You've Gone

I'm trying out the new garageband. I frickin' hate it. Where did all my controls go? It is truly a piece of crap. Apple, why are you ruining all your software? Is it a gag?

Anyhow, it doesn't matter.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ca,e & Soda Arc

Okay, so, today I will give you two songs for the price of one. That price is free, but whatever. It's still a sort of price. Like, the price is your time or something.


You're just going to have to deal.

Friday, August 8, 2014

My Life Is Nothing

It's come to this, has it? I suppose it has. Here's a new song.

Take it away from me. Just take it away.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Otter Sid

Double post today, because I'm feeling sexy. And these songs are from, like, a year ago anyhow. 

Are all these garageband bullcraps better than the music I actually take time on and pour myself into?

Sog Dpit

Sit and spin, on a spicy, soggy wiener. 

Lap it up boys. This ain't built to last.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Evan A. James - Self Titled

Hello folks.
Did you enjoy that last release?
Well here is another release.

I actually think this album is perfect. I love it and wish this was the stuff I was making.
It, honestly, does sound a bit like some stuff I've been working on, but way better. Which is good. Now I don't have to bother.
Anyhow, listen to this.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Some spaceman beats for you, I guess. Or whatever.

Or whatever.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Super Boring Asleep Beach

Is this the start of something special? Are we going to become very close over the coming months? But then, when summer ends, we will drift apart. The fallout will haunt us for years.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bong Sample - Midnight Oscillations

Sup bruh? You like bongs? You like space?
Sure you do. Sure you do.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Farwell, My Dead Heart

What's a farwell? Something we may never know. Anyhow, this is a song from a while ago. Is it good?

Not really, no.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Undersea Palace

I don't use Soundcloud too much, honestly. Most of these songs are toss aways anyhow, so archive dot org suits me just fine. It is a really wonderful site for copyright free material.
But I had this nautical soundscape and... I dunno... For some reason Soundcloud came into my mind. Then I checked out my account and turns out I only have a sample of an unreleased cassette and a different nautical soundscape (which ended up as the last track on Shadow Chamber). Anyhow, I thought it fit.
I also have a whole bunch of unfinished ones laying around somewhere.

I just really love the sound of the ocean. It relaxes me.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Power

Go Go, Power Rangers. Go Go, Remixing Midis. Go Go, Gadget Arms.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Addison Iris - THIS MUSIC SUX

So, the majority of the songs on here are made in garageband. I admit it. Not all of them, no. But originally, they were. Using built in samples. That is how I practiced. It is how everybody should practice. Really, you can make some cool stuff.

This was made entirely with garageband samples. It's cool.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And Satan

Ignored, so sorry. This song is a thing I was working on with Damno Te. Decided I hated it. Exited the Damno part to give you whatever the crap this is left over. Merry January, everybody.

Satan, Satan, Satan, Satan.