Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bios And Guests

Oh, right, and because I know I always forget about this blog and don't end up posting, here's another one I had sitting around from forever ago.

I don't know what it is all about.

Actually Rap

So I had this little beat to rap to, but then I was like "What the hell? Add more crap to it."
Then I did.

This is that crap.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Texas Chainsaws

I know, I know. Never posting in the blog. Boo hoo. For shame.
Well I don't make those garageband songs anymore, you know? I was working on real songs. Of course, even then sometimes those don't get finished. Sometimes the idea goes nowhere. Take this song, for example... I had these neat little banjo parts. The awesome opening from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I thought, yeah these fit. This is a good start for something. But then... ehhhh... I don't know where to take it. But, instead of just deleting it, I thought why not show the fine folks?

So here it is. The beginning of a song that will never be finished.

Don't ask me the deal with these players now, by the way. I just copy and past them. Something is funky with their code these days.