Tuesday, October 25, 2011

There's Something About Murray

Oh man... what the... What the hell am I doing?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Healing Crystal - Metal

So they found another Healing Crystal song.
"Here's another Healing Crystal song I stubmbled across, I think this one is from the soundtrack to some 80s horror movie that no longer exists because it was only on Beta or something. Details are fuzzy."

So, let's hear that.

Friday, October 7, 2011

My Great Song

Are you feeling great today? Boy howdy, I sure am. For no particular reason, no. Anyhow, guess what... I just deleted every damn thing off my computer and reinstalled the OS. I know right? Wowie. You really care. Okay, whatever... But I haven't put all the samples back into garageband yet, so here's a little thing I made with the really limited amount of samples they have. And also random piano sounds. Download it. Play it on a loop.

Isn't it something? Oh, it's something alright. I just don't know what. Haw haw haw.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Geeezum crow. People keep saying, "Yeah, I'll send in songs." Then nothing. Nada. Come on. I am not looking for works of art. I am looking for the crap you throw away. The leftovers. The scraps.
Orphaned chords.
Abandoned beats.
A howl you woke up to late at night and managed to record the last 30 seconds of, which you then looped and echoed ad nauseum to a ten minute opus.