Saturday, May 1, 2010


Golly, I haven't been updatin' a lot, have I? Well, I've been busy right? Something... I was working on a new album for a while, but it needs a couple more songs and I don't feel like doing them right now. When it comes out though... gosh. I'll like it, at least. Love it maybe. Who knows? I can be terribly narcissistic sometimes, which is funny if you know me.

Um... this one though? It's not so good. Just things I did for kicks. A poem I wrote based on a song. I decided I wouldn't use this stuff for anything good but still made a rad cover for it.

I had it up on Bandcamp, but actually I don't want to sully Meat Force's actual releases with this retarded garbage. So instead I will put it up at INTERNET ARCHIVE. That's where I put up everything else. Why not?

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