Friday, January 15, 2010

Kip Grey - Soviet Epic

So some years ago I was involved in webcomics. They are like your local news paper comic strip but funny and on the internet. Just kidding, a lot are not funny also. It was a fascinating medium though. Being on the internet you had an infinite canvas, not to mention a real lack of copyright (which I am a big proponent for if you aren't just stealing stuff and claiming it as your own) so you could do all sorts of crazy collage work.
There were lots of other great things about it, but here's one that really stood out for me. The ability to not simply work with static comics. Being that it was on the internet you could use a number of programs to produce your work. I, often, used Macromedia's Flash (now owned by Adobe). The program allowed me to animate certain parts of a comic, or the entire thing. I once used it to depict time travel, causing the characters to go back to the beginning of a strip and interact with their past selves.
And, eventually, people began doing little cartoon shorts instead of comics. They got pretty popular, in fact. I had an idea for one of my own, but I won't give it away, this story is already way too long. Nobody is reading!

Let me just say, this is the theme to that never produced cartoon, made by a friend in the webcomics community, Kip Grey:

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